• Breaking News

    Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

    Air Terjun Telaga Dwi Warna Sibolangit | Medan Tour Singapore

    Sibolangit within 2 hours from Medan by bike or bus is where the cool mountains and is full of interesting sights and nature enthusiasts suitable for travelers. One is Niagara Ponds Dwi colors in the forest Sibolangit. Dwi called color due to the waterfall consists of two pieces that have two different colors. One waterfall with blue water color that arinya cold and the other not far from the waterfall cold waterfall there is a warm white. 

    To get to the lake Dwi color took 3 hours away by foot exploring the woods of the park Sibolangit travel. So at this location there are two adjacent waterfall so-called bi-color lake. Get ready for a long trip when they want to Telaga Dwi color because it must pass through the forest for 3 hours by foot through mountain hills and road-steep through the woods, but when he arrived at Waterfall Dwi Color eye will be amazed by the beauty of waterfalls blue so that tiredness disappear automatically seketika.

    Pariwisata still hidden, and if you want to come here should hire a tour guide / ranger forest from being lost in the woods. This place is suitable for camping.

    Medan Tour - A trip down to Medan wouldn't be complete without a visit to its nearby tourist attractions such as Lake Toba and Berastagi.

    1 komentar:

    1. Dear friends. Its nice to introduce my self. I am Victor and I live in the city of Medan- Indonesia. I am director of Tiara Tours Indonesia and my office based in Jalan Panglima Denai No 76 Medan. If there are some friends or family wish to come to Medan please contact us through cellular / wa : +62 85358982828, +6285762820068. I wish you welcome to Medan and welcome to the Lake Toba. Horas …!!! Horas …. !!!

