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    Kamis, 11 Mei 2017

    Kampong Madras, 'The Little India' in the city of Medan is very unique | Medan Tour

    The city of Medan is a multiethnic city. Various ethnic, tribal and cultural life in harmony in Medan. Among the various tribes that settled in Medan, there is a unique village inhabited by people of Indian descent.

    This unique village is known as Kampung Madras or Kampung Keling which is located between two districts of Medan Petisah and Medan Polonia. In this old village, not only the people who are of Indian descent, but the buildings and cultures are also very typical of India. You can walk there anytime.

    Here are the photos that show Kampung Madras is really "The Little India" in the city of Medan.

    1. Shri Mariamman Temple
    The temple is located on the road of Teuku Umar No.18. Built in 1881 became a place of Hindu worship and became an icon of Kampung Madras. This temple was always filled with ethnic Indian Tamil at certain major events.

    2. Deepavali Celebration
    The celebration of Deepavali or commonly called Diwali is one of the greatest Hindu festivals in India which is celebrated in Aswayuja month according to the Caka Hindu calendar. Or about October-November.

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