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    Sabtu, 11 Maret 2017

    Maimun Palace grandeur of the Royal Deli, North Sumatra | Medan Tour Singapore

    North Sumatra has Maimun Palace is a magnificent imperial palace Deli which is one of the icons of the city of Medan. The palace is located in Jalan Bridgadir General Katamso, Talbot Village, District of Medan Maimun. The building of this palace is also a tourist icon Medan metropolitan city icon once the 3rd largest in Indonesia. Until now, Maimun Palace is still regarded as the grandest and most beautiful castles ever built and can still be seen in Indonesia.

    Maimun Palace sometimes also called the Palace of Putri Hijau which is the palace of the kingdom of greatness Deli. The palace is dominated by yellow, the color of the greatness of the Malay kingdom. Maimun Palace was designed or designed by architects from Italy which is then built by Sultan Deli, Ma'mun Al Rashid Perkasa Alam in 1888 taun ago, Maimun Palace has an area of 2,772 square meters with room number as many as 30 rooms.

    Maimun Palace building facing north and on the front side there is a building of Masjid Al-Mashun or better known as the Great Mosque of Medan. Maimun Palace into one of the tourist destinations are already quite popular, not only because of old age, but the interior design is very unique may invite tourists to visit Maimun Palace, by combining elements of the cultural heritage of the Malay and Islamic style, Spain, India and Italy.

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