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    Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017

    Look Sipiso-Piso in North Sumatra | Medan Tour Singapore

    In addition to Lake Toba, another featured attraction is a mainstay in North Sumatra is Sipiso-Piso. Not to be missed!

    After coming down from Mount Sipiso-Piso, my brother and I, Rizlan Syahputra Sambas then proceeded to the attraction Sipiso-Piso who are still in the area as Mount Sipiso-Piso, namely in Sub Brand, Karo.

    From the parking location, attractions Sipiso-Piso is the landscape quite charming. Because the left we could see Lake Toba is so vast. Meanwhile, beside it lay the green mountains that surround Lake Toba.

    While down there anyway clearly visible Sipiso-Piso, a beautiful waterfall with a height of 120 meters and comes from an underground river.

    To reach the base of the waterfall is also in need of the spirit and energy which was great because we had to go down 1,000 stairs. Moreover, as you go down the stairs wet and slippery conditions that have to be cautious. Thankfully now the stair-Piso Sipiso has been fenced, making it safe for visitors.

    There is a funny story when we were near the base of the waterfall, it was the visitors mostly water play and take pictures. Well, there is one group who are busy traveling to take pictures, but they do not care about the basic conditions waterfall pretty wet from falling bias waterfalls like rain. As a result, when they're busy taking pictures, the camera they use being dead because of damp.

    So, I think when photographed else we should pay attention to ambient conditions, particularly swift waterfall spills bias this only happens if the wind is blowing in our direction.

    So it helps us to be patient waiting for the right moment and of course the picture becomes more beautiful as well as our equipment is safe from damage.

    http://medandriver.com/ - A trip down to Medan wouldn't be complete without a visit to its nearby tourist attractions such as Lake Toba and Berastagi.

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