• Breaking News

    Senin, 25 September 2017

    Prewedding, Invitations Ready to Be Dissolved, Unfortunately Death Takes the Life of this Bridal Candidate | Medan Tour And Travel

    Traffic accidents that killed the victim again occurred. This time, a woman named Eva Yanti Lumbangaol (26) was killed by a train at the crossing on Jl Danau Singkarak on the border of West Medan and Medan Petisah.

    When the incident, the victim is known to spread his wedding invitation was crushed in the left leg. In fact, because his left leg was run over by a train, the victim's shin came out.

    From the information on location, the victim who is a resident of Humbang Hasundutan is traveling online Go-Jek transport to spread wedding invitations to be held on October 7, 2017.

    When passing through the train crossing, the Go-Jek driver named Ahmad Sutopo (42) who was riding the victim did not see any train coming.

    "Coincidentally, when they pass by, the train comes from Binjai to Medan, because the position of Go-Jek motor is in crossing, they also struck the train until dragged several meters," said West Medan police chief, Kompol Victor Ziliwu, Monday (25 / 9/2017) afternoon.

    After being hit by a train, the Honda Supra X 3506 ACO motorcycle belongs to the defective Go-Jek driver. Meanwhile, the victim who was sitting in the bag was killed on the spot because his body was hit by a train.

    "For now the victim was taken to the Royal Prima Hospital, as well as his Go-Jek driver," said the former Wakasatreskrim Polresta Medan.

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