• Breaking News

    Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

    LPM Unimed Teach Residents Make Dodol, Jam, and Syrup from Mangrove Seeds

    Belawan Sicanang Village or better known as Kampung Sicanang, Medan City has Mangrove forest potential (mangroves). Realizing that, the Institute of Community Service (LPM) State University of Medan (Unimed) do counseling to the surrounding community in order to take advantage of this potential.

    "Activities Pengadian Society we teach the mothers around to be able to utilize the materials that exist around the neighborhood Sicanang urban village. Sicanang is full of Mangrove forests, so it's a shame if it's wasted, "said Chairman of the Implementer and Lecturer of the German Education Studies Program Unimed Risnovita Sari, Monday (30/10/2017).

    In this community service activity, dozens of housewives follow counseling and taught to make lunkhead, jam and syrup from the use of mangrove seeds. This counseling was held from October to November in one of the residents' houses in Blok Kandas Lingkungan XX Belawan Sicanang Outlet, Medan Belawan.

    "From this counseling, we hope housewives can utilize the results of mangrove seed production such as lunkhead, jam and syrup. That way they can help the family economy, "said Risnovita.

    Not only provide training, LPM Unimed together with Unimed lecturers also provide assistance in the form of tools of making products to trainees. So it can continue the utilization of natural resources from mangrove forest in Belawan Sicanang Village.

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