• Breaking News

    Minggu, 17 September 2017

    Fundraising for the Building of Worship Houses, Event Degrees A Cup of Virtue | Medan Travel Package

    A Cup of Virtue is the theme that was lifted at the event which was titled in Grand Ocean Restaurant, Komplek Cemara Asri, Sunday (17/09/2017).

    Chairman of the Events Committee Rizaldie Ramali said the theme was lifted because no matter how small the good will be rewarded by kindness as well.

    "The event is aimed at raising funds for the construction of the Velvana Veluge Vehara from Buddhist," he said.

    The monastery according to Rizaldie is located at Jalan Sutan Arab Hamlet III number 16 Klumpang Village, Hamparan Perak Deliserdang Subdistrict.

    According to him, the stage of building the worship house reaches 85 percent. The parts that are still in the stage of the road construction, as well as lighting in the area to the monastery.

    Rizaldoe explained his side received donations for anyone from the ummah who will donate at this event. Later all donations collected were handed over to the temple management.

    Rizaldie tells Buddhists who come to his show not only from Medan, but there are also from Klumpang, Kelambir Lima to Kisaran.

    Related to the series of events he explained there will be entertainment from Meicie Widjaja, Rendy and Anni Wahidi.

    "There are also coloring events, photo booths, children's games and food bazaars," he said.
    Rizaldie hopes that the event will be successful, so the construction of houses of worship will be quickly completed.

    From the Tribun-medan.com watch, 1,000 Buddhists gathered in the event area. Various activities are done from eating together, worshiping, taking pictures, and performing the action on stage.

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