• Breaking News

    Selasa, 05 September 2017

    Rohingya Refugees in Medan Worry about the fate of his brother in Myanmar | Medan Tour

    Rohingya refugees in the city of Medan, North Sumatra, are worried about the fate of his family who is currently still in the conflict zone Rakhine, Myanmar. Seeing that condition, the refugees are unable to do much.

    A Rohingya refugee at Hotel Beraspati, Jalan Jamin Ginting, Simpang Selayang Village, Medan Tuntungan, Muhammad Habi claimed that he and other refugees can only pray for his family in Rakhine to be safe.

    "We also pray for a solution to end the conflict," said the 23-year-old youth, Tuesday (5/9/2017).

    Habi said that he had been in the evacuation for five years. He also told of how the Myanmar military massacred mothers and children while he was still in Myanmar.

    "I see for myself how the Rohingyas there died there, even if there is life, there is no food, very suffering," he said.

    Mirisnya again, call Habi, while still in Myanmar himself and other Muslims can not celebrate the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. There is only fear, especially when witnessing how the village was burned Myanmar military.

    "There I witnessed our village was set on fire, we were very frightened," recalled Habi.

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