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    Jumat, 22 September 2017

    Salib Kasih, Tarutung | Tour Medan

    Many people say, "If you have not yet come to the Cross of Love, it means you are not yet fully in the city of Tarutung. Well .. Departure from the saying, I also visited the monument that became the landmark of this beautiful Tarutung city. I myself first visited this monument, before I have visited Tarutung twice, but due to the limited time, I have not had time to stop in love cross.

    Built in October 1993, the Cross of love is located in Dolok Siatas Barita, Siatas Barita Sub-district, to commemorate the dedication of dedication, and the extraordinary dedication of a Dr. Ingwer Ludwig Nommensen, the "Batak Apostle". Why is he called the Batak Apostle ?. immediately wrote click here, After this we will discuss.

    Access road to the entrance of this monument is quite good, but make sure you have a prime physical, because the road to the Cross of Love is quite heavy, after I pay the entrance ticket at the counter, for Rp.2000, I was immediately faced with ladder climbing.

    Its lush pine trees enough to help me to forget the tired, whacked, dot along the way also provided a place to rest, to unwind. The coolness of the air and its natural beauty along the way made me eager to walk faster again to climb Siatas Barita's dolok.

    Throughout the journey to the Cross of Love, we will also find many tombstones deliberately left by visitors as recollections, visible from the abandoned tombstones, that visitors who come not only from the area near Sumatra, even there are tombstones from visitors who come from West Papua and even foreign tourists often come here.

    Less than half an hour on-foot journey is quite tiring, I was up dipangkol dolok Siatas-Barita. Where the monument of the Cross of Love stands majestically. The cross of love is a monument in the shape of the Cross which has a height of 31 meters supported and supported by three giant pillars, as a symbol of the Trinity. Under the Cross was a small prayer room and in front of which lay a seat with a capacity of 600 people and equipped with a pulpit just behind the pulpit staring deep into the stretch of rusak silindung.

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