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    Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

    Tarutung City Towards a Modern City Part1 | Medan Tour Travel

    Tarutung, is one of the largest cities in the Tapanuli region, North Sumatra, in addition to Sibolga and Balige. The capital of North Tapanuli Regency is estimated to be hundreds of years old. The name of this city is said to come from a durian tree that until now still grows in front of the North Tapanuli regent's office. In fact, in an age equivalent to the age of this city, durian tree is still growing well and occasionally bear fruit. Durian in Batak language is "tarutung".

    Tarutung is also recognized as a historic old town. Since the Dutch colonial era, the city is known as a center of missionary service of Europe, especially Germany. One of the missionaries named Dr. Ingwer Ludwig Nommensen recorded in the history of Christianity in Tapanuli who managed to Christianize the Batak people who still adhere to the concept of "sipelebegu" (atheist). Nommensen first settled in Saitnihuta Village despite various challenges from the local community. Saitnihuta village is the village of Lumbantobing origin.

     To commemorate and appreciate the services of Nommensen bringing his mission to the Land of Batak, the government built a monument of the 31-meter-long Crusader Love Cross in the Siatas Barita mountains, east of Tarutung in 1993. The place was constantly restored by the local government by disbursing enough funds through the district's APBD.

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